Arnav Dandu
Arnav Dandu

Arnav Dandu

Email: adandu at ucsd dot edu


I am a computer science and mathematics double major at UCSD with a broad interest in theoretical computer science and algebra. My research focuses on formal verification and interactive theorem proving using the Lean proof assistant. I am currently working on two formalization projects:

These projects are part of my research in the UCSD Department of Mathematics and the UCSD Programming Systems Group, respectively.


UC San Diego

Aug 2022 – Jun 2026
BS, Mathematics
BS, Computer Science

Activities and Societies:

Mathematics Coursework Computer Science Coursework
MATH 200A-C: Graduate Algebra CSE 291: Quantum Complexity Theory
MATH 100A-C: Honors Abstract Algebra CSE 230: Semantics of Programming Languages
MATH 140A-B: Honors Real Analysis CSE 190: Introduction to Quantum Computing
MATH 188: Algebraic Combinatorics CSE 167: Computer Graphics
MATH 158: Extremal Combinatorics and Graph Theory CSE 152A: Computer Vision
MATH 190A-B: Topology CSE 142: Computer Architecture
MATH 160A-B: Mathematical Logic CSE 105: Theory of Computation
MATH 180A: Probability CSE 100: Advanced Data Structures
MATH 170A: Numerical Analysis CSE 101: Design & Analysis of Algorithms
MATH 20A-E, 31AH: Vector Calculus, ODEs, Linear Algebra CSE 110: Software Engineering